Friday, March 8, 2019


ruffles & stripesruffles & stripesruffles & stripesruffles & stripesruffles & stripesruffles & stripesruffles & stripesruffles & stripes
This post was supposed to go up yesterday but I got waylaid by a four hour session at the hair salon, I am not a preternaturally patient person so that was way longer than I was comfortable with. Once I was home I had to rush to get ready for a wine tasting and finally a birthday dinner with my boys, at least my hair was done right? Needless to say I was in bed early last night and out like a light, it was a very busy week.
I think (almost) every girl needs a pair of vertical striped pants in her wardrobe, they flatter the legs like no other style making them appear longer and thinner which is always the goal.  This pair from Derek Lam 10 Crosby are the best, they have just the right amount of stretch and they’re not made from a thick fabric so no added bulk, I found them on sale and linked them below they are such a must have. Ruffles seem to be a mainstay in most of my outfits these days and this fun sweater is one of my favorites! I love the little mesh sections that give the impression of a floating sleeve. Neon is a major trend this spring so I was very happy that I still had this little Marc Jacobs crossbody bag in my closet, I always say hang on to the good pieces because they’ll be back in style eventually!

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